2014-10-08 - Lunar Eclipse on the WOD


~7 miles @ ~10.9 min/mi

"That was sudden!" Kerry observes, as we run along Great Falls Rd and abruptly notice that it's full daylight — in contrast to the gloom only a few minutes earlier. Flashback to our start, as she and David and I dither over whither to go. We settle eventually on a mission: get a drink from the water fountain on the W&OD Trail near Route 7. Not much of a goal, but it's the best we can come up with at this early hour!

As the moon sets behind us it shrinks to a silver fingernail-clipping, the rest of the disc eclipsed to dusky red. "Like all the sunsets on Earth at once," I quote somebody. A dog-walker waves her iPhone at us to warn of her approach. David is back from vacationing with family on a Georgia beach, and heads for Panama in a day. I'm reminded of the Warren Zevon song, "Lawyers, Guns, and Money" with its verse "I'm hiding in Honduras / I'm a desperate man". We sprint the final uphill miles, possibly David's "long run" before his Marine Corps Marathon in a couple of weeks. Runkeeper captures our path.

^z - 2014-10-29